How to set Chrome to not save history.
Dear Readers, Lets learn how to avoid Chrome to save history. ( I have seen many requests regarding this on various forums, hence thought of sharing an Idea to accomplish this. ) Google Chrome has recently become the Default Web browser of choice for many Mac and PC users ( including me ). It’s fast, flexible, smart, user friendly, and relatively secure Etc Etc. But it has an issue / a flaw: unlike most browsers, Chrome has no user setting to prevent or automatically clear the browser history. We can though always manually clear the history, but doing that takes a few clicks through a few menus; not ideal. Luckily, there’s a trick we can use to prevent browsing history from being recorded in Chrome. See below for the trick. Chrome stores the browser history in a file on your computer’s drive. If we limit Chrome’s ability to modify that file, it won’t be able to record any web addresses. To start, first go into Chrome and manually clear your history by pressin...